<strong>Donatella Chiodo</strong>
Donatella ChiodoPresidente

These are days that I think of how to describe in a few words and the best Mostra d’Oltremare, so I asked my daughter Alice, a girl of 8 years, because with the children’s eyes are capable of seeing things that adults often do not they can not even imagine and observe ‘
To the question “What is for you Mostra d’Oltremare?”, She, without hesitation, replied that it is “a magical place, colorful and fragrant flowers, full of vegetation and protected species, where you can play, go to bike, spend days in joy with family, listen to music, but also participate in fairs and see many new things”.
[Leggi il Resto]

<strong>Giuseppe Oliviero</strong>
Giuseppe OlivieroConsigliere delegato

Mostra d’Oltremare is a part of the history of Naples and Southern Italy and, above all, it must be a key player in their future. Since 1940 it has always been a reference point for Neapolitans, professionals and companies from around the world that choose Mostra d’Oltremare for their events. The governance of our trade fair compound is moving on this double track.
We work seven days a week to preserve and enhance a priceless historical and architectural heritage, including the Fontana dell’Esedra, the Cubo d’Oro, the Padiglione America Latina and historical gardens. A hard effort we face with great sense of responsibility towards the city, the same that guided us in recovering European Funds, which will allow us to restore important buildings of the fairgrounds, like the Torre delle Nazioni. Mostra d’Oltremare will become even more welcoming to exhibitors and visitors to whom we open our doors. Moreover, our areas are available seven days a week, so that everybody may enjoy our park and our streets, in a city where especially young people need aggregation places. A plenty of recreational, music and entertainment events fill our calendar more and more increasingly. And to meet this need, we worked successfully to the full new development of Arena Flegrea, an architectural jewel returned to music and Neapolitan citizens.
[Leggi il Resto]
