Restaurant of the pool

In addition to the “Restaurant of the pool,” there are several Bars, located as follows: close to the gate entrance of Piazzale Tecchio, inside Pavilions 1,2,4,5,6,10, in the Palacongressi, in the Teatro Mediterraneo, on the Solarium of the Pool and also 2 Self Service in Pavilions 4 and 10.
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vetrina del bar

Food and catering

The catering service offers large rooms and large terraces for events and ceremonies.

The quality of the services and the sustainability of the products is guaranteed, the production takes place entirely on site, in the cooking center and in the pastry laboratory.

Food & Catering – Ristorazione Eventi Srl


The Restaurant of the pool was designed in 1940 by Arch. Carlo Cocchia. In a single building there were two restaurants, one coffee shop and the terrace, everything designed according to the pool, which was the main attraction. It was possible to have a complete view of water competitions from the restaurant, whose dining rooms were located on large steps, just like to attend a show.

The building has a groundfloor, with a dining room and an external area (close to the Teatro Mediterraneo), and a first floor, with main hall, dining room, loggia and terrace for gala dinners, conferences events, conventions, etc.
After the recent renovation, the restaurant is available again. The hall on the first floor also hosted the exhibition of contemporary art “Moyenne Occident” by the Lebanese artist Mazen Kerbaj , and the expo Mediterranea Food & Beverage, both in 2014.